Client Profiles: Miracle Golf Concepts
We began working with the good folks at Miracle Golf in early 2008.
Miracle Golf Concepts is a Dallas based company that helps promoting and managing fundraising events. Their unique concept can easily and dramatically improve an organization's net proceeds by effectively combining on-line systems with proven strategies.
The Miracle Golf Concepts website came to us as a transfer of services, meaning the website had already been created and hosted elsewhere. The initial part of this project involved moving the website, database and email services to our servers while minimizing downtime and maintaining full integrity of the existing data. We created a migration plan that involved a full replication of their website on our server, making sure all services would run perfectly under our systems configuration. After a testing period, and needed code modifications to handle any issues that were encountered during testing, the website was seamlessly moved over with no disruption in services and/or lost email.
The code is now maintained by, with many new additions and improvements added since the transition in April 2008.