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Claris Emailer v.2 - Account Setup

If you're having difficulty setting up your email account in Claris Emailer version 2, follow these instructions.

Before you start make sure you have the latest version (2.0v3) installed. If not you can grab it by clicking here.

From the Setup menu select Accounts.

Screen Shot 1

This will bring up the following window:

Screen Shot 2

Double click on whatever account is listed in this window. You will see the following window:

Screen Shot 3

Account Name You can name this whatever you want
User Name Put your real name here (e.g. Joe Smith)
Email Account Your POP3 Full Email Account is username%yourdomain.com@mail.yourdomain.com
Email Password Your email password is personally given to you.
SMTP Server Contact your ISP to find out your SMTP server address.
Email address Your email address is username@yourdomain.com

Click on Save to save these settings. You can now send and receive email with your MacServe.net email account.

NOTE: With Claris Emailer v2, by default the Email Account field will be used as the address to send email within your SMTP server. This can be problematic for some installations. You can instead configure Claris Emailer v2 to use the Email Address field. To do this, download the Emailer Custom Settings addition for Claris Emailer v2 and follow the instructions in the download.