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Eudora v4-7 (PC) - Account Setup

If you're having difficulty setting up your email account with Eudora versions 4-7, follow these instructions:

*Screenshots are for Eudora 7 but most older versions can be setup using the same directions.*

From the Tools menu select Options...

Screen Shot 1

This wil bring up the following window:

Screen Shot 2

Fill in the following information:

Real Name Your name goes here
Return address Your email address is username@yourdomain.com
Mail Server (Incoming) Your POP3 server is mail.yourdomain.com
Login Name Your POP3 Account ID is username@yourdomain.com
SMTP Server (Outgoing) Your SMTP Server is mail.yourdomain.com:587
(The :587 is the port for our SMTP servers and is needed for SMTP to work.)

Now click on the Incoming Mail category to display the following:

Screen Shot 3

Make sure that POP is selected under Server configuration. Click on OK to save these settings. You can now send and receive email with your MacServe.net account.